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Any participant found flouting the following norms and guidelines
will run the risk of being muted or ejected from the forum

1. NATURE OF NRI-Natter: This is a freewheeling, informal conversation among friends, acquaintances and so-far strangers; this is not a high-brow, pseudo-intellectual seminar nor a formal symposium. But ‘informal’ does not mean ‘casual’ or ‘trivial’. NRI-Natter is an attempt to have a meaningful exchange of brilliant ideas, incisive views and enlightening insights, in a professional, structured and orderly yet friendly, informal manner.

2. BEHAVIOUR: You are expected to be dignified, mature, objective and polite, and not create any ruckus, cacophony, noise or nuisance.

3. TALK FIRST, THEN WALK: The exchange of ideas is a means to know each other, and perhaps explore potential hidden opportunities that could suddenly pop up for future partnerships for startups, entrepreneurial ventures, and so on. Talk the walk first, then explore if you could actually walk the talk.

4. MEETING STRUCTURE-INTRODUCTIONS: How this meeting will progress: After the introduction of the keynote speaker, we will have a quick round of introductions (basically name, highest education, profession, current job and organization, current location, very brief overview of career, main interests, future plans).

5. MEETING STRUCTURE-SPEAKERS: After the keynote address (which will follow soon) and introduction of the topic: Using a numbering system drawn on ‘first-come-first-served’ basis, each participant will be requested by the moderator to share his/her view on the points being discussed. Each speaker will get three minutes, which may be extended, if the situation demands, at the sole discretion of the moderator.

6. BREAKS: The moderator has a list of participants, which she/he will use to steer the discussion forward. We will have a five-minute break on the hour, every hour. So, newcomers will get an opportunity to introduce themselves.

7. SILENCE & INTERJECTIONS: If any member wishes to interject, he/she may use the “raised-hand” feature in the Zoom app (or similar feature in other apps, depending on the app used on the day). Or, simply raise your hand facing the camera. Preferably, the member should use his/her turn to make the points, rather than interjecting in between (which could create noise and disrupt proceedings – best avoided). If you wish not to say or add anything, you may pass your turn. But you are strongly encouraged to speak / speak up, and we would prefer if you desist from being a passive participant or a mute spectator.

8. MUTE/UNMUTE: Be conscious during the meeting, and remember to use the toggle feature of mute/unmute. When not speaking, please mute your Zoom. And remember to unmute when it is your turn to speak. This helps reduce background noise.

9. FOCUS & DIGNITY: Be polite, cordial, respectful. Speak clearly, calmly, so that everyone can understand you. Express yourself succinctly, directly – be to-the-point. Desist from using foul language, cuss words, profanities, sharp expressions. Do not launch personal attacks on other participants, or attribute motives to them. Do not make accusations or resort to emotional over-reactions. Pay attention to your tone of voice as well as body language.

10. DON’T: Do not discuss politics, political ideologies, political parties, and forms of governance! Avoid even indirect references. Flouting of this rule will lead to your muting (yellow card) or even ejection (red card) by the moderator (referee).

11. ENTRY & EXIT: As a mark of courtesy to fellow participants, please join the forum at the start rather than jumping in midway. That would help you to follow the proceedings, avoid disruption and obviate the need for a recap. If you wish to exit midway through the meeting, just click/tap “leave meeting” in red letters at the far right of the interface menu. You may re-join whenever you want. In either case, no announcement is necessary.

12. ETIQUETTE and CAMERA-MANNERS: Display social graces. A) There is no formal dress code as such, but you are expected to be presentable, and not appear in front of the camera in a state of undress, semi-nudity, or wearing outsize goggles, cap, hat, mask, etc. B) Avoid appearing in inner wear or shabby clothes. C) Avoid excessive, quick or jerky movements or jarring background. D) Maintain a decent, erect posture so that other participants can see you and follow what you are saying, so that the interaction is meaningful and face-to-face. Remember, you'll be on camera, facing an audience; so try to look your best, appear neat and natty; use a headphone+mic integrated set, if it's possible; let the camera lens be steady, at a good angle, with focus on your face (not too close, not too distant; not too acute or obtuse in angle -- preferably straight, at the same level as your eyes/face). E) When you speak, ensure your video/camera is on. At other times, you may choose to “stop video” if you so desire. F) Avoid noisily eating or drinking/slurping, or making any other form of rude sounds, during the event. Use features like “Mute” and “Stop video”, if necessary.

13. TECHNICALS: A) Ensure there is no background noise (like the hum of an air conditioner, or an oscillating pedestal fan / table fan / mixer-grinder / household appliances, or even noisy children or barking/chirping pets. B) Also ensure there is adequate lighting so that there are no dark or grainy patches on screen. C) You may move around if you are using a smartphone. But ensure there are no connectivity problems or dropped calls. Ideally, during your log-in time, you must be in a place where there are no connectivity issues – that is, connectivity should be excellent. If necessary, run a test well before the actual event starts.

14. LANGUAGE: Most conversations will be in English, with a bit of Hindi here and there. Do not use regional languages to communicate, unless all the other participants can understand you.

15. BE ACTIVE: You are expected to be an active participant, not a passive observer, mute spectator or shy listener with no views to express. Come prepared for the day’s topic, backed with relevant facts, figures.

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